We partner with manufacturers and B2B technical selling environments that require a more structured approach to the front-end of their sales cycle. Using this approach, our team optimizes the volume in our clients’ sales funnels and manages those prospects through resolution.

Our outsourced model and infrastructure approach (people, process, and tools) focuses on targeting and developing new sales through inbound and outbound marketing activities. Our model applies to various sales channels, including direct sales, manufacturing reps, and distribution channels.

How We’re Different

sales lead generation services

We help businesses, like yours, optimize the volume in their sales funnel and manage those prospects until they are qualified sales-ready leads. Unlike many others, we are not a call center, so we do not provide generic lists of opportunities and consider them “qualified” leads. Our approach is vastly different.

We provide a best practice process for inbound and outbound marketing activities that is focused on the front end of the sales cycle. We provide a unique blend of inbound and outbound sales and marketing strategies. These are designed to generate highly qualified sales-ready leads that meet your company’s specific growth requirements, whether based on industry, geography, potential revenue, or other criteria.

We will find companies that meet your criteria, verify decision-makers within these organizations, and engage to get them to your sales cycle’s first step. Our holistic solution also includes Pipedrive CRM and Vbout marketing automation tools, sales coordination, future interest nurture, pre- and post-trade show and event support, sales cycle analytics, reports, and more.

You will see a compressed sales cycle, increased sales rep productivity, and of course, an increased flow of new business opportunities. With our process, you can clearly quantify and link your marketing investments to improvements in both sales productivity to your bottom line.

Our Approach Solves Today’s Greatest Business Development Challenges

From team productivity and resource allocation to sales behaviors and processes, this free guide goes in-depth into the issues facing business development leaders today — and their recommended solutions.
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We use a consistent, repeatable sales lead generation process that has been proven to help businesses reach their sales goals. Our process will help to ensure a consistent flow of qualified leads and to help move them through to conversion. In addition, our process also helps with salesperson accountability as we work with them to reach resolution with the leads we’ve provided.

Industry Experience

We have extensive experience working with B2B manufacturers in complex technical sales environments, including those in the following industries:

  • Corrugated and Folding Carton Manufacturing
  • Plastic and Flexographic Packaging
  • Metals Manufacturing
  • Plastic Manufacturing
  • Electronics Manufacturing
  • Machine and Equipment Manufacturing
  • Medical Manufacturing
  • Professional Service and Technology
  • Thermal Manufacturing


We use your sales conversion rates in each step of your sales cycle and the anticipated opportunity values to provide you with an estimated ROI over 12 months of service. We track and report on this quarterly and annually, so we can make adjustments.


Using various technologies, including CRM, marketing automation, website tracking, list development, and quality assurance software, we ensure our processes are continually running, being monitored, and course-corrected when required.

See How We Can Help Your Company

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